
Corporate Social Responsibility

We are pioneers of corporate social responsibility (CSR) which brings sustainability to our projects by ensuring a total of 1.5% from Oman LNG’s net income after tax (NIAT) are earmarked annually to invest in sustainable programmes.

These projects are run through Oman LNG Development Foundation (ODF).

  • A Community Fund targeting initiatives related to the Sur Community where its world-class, three-train liquefaction plant is located.
  • A National Fund that covers a large swath of the company’s ​social development programmes across the nation.
  • A Reserve Fund to ensure continuous financial sustainability for current and future CSR projects and programmes.
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Strategic areas of our Social Investment Programme (SIP) are:

Entrepreneurship and In-Country Value
Social Inclusion
Culture & Heritage
Sports & Recreation
Environmental Protection
Emergency Responsiveness
Reserve Fund

Community Fund​

The Community Fund provides financial support for the community in Sur, home to Oman LNG’s plant and its neighbours. Programmes, projects and initiatives executed under this fund have played a major role in fostering healthy relations among the people of Sur and surrounding communities. The initiatives have also enabled the growth of trade and commerce in vocations that are at the heart of the society’s existence. Occupations like fishing and boat building evolved over the years and shaped Sur’s coastal proximity, this field has grown in scope with the use of modern technologies that promote them.


National Fund

The National Fund is for the purpose of funding programmes, projects and initiatives that go beyond the community where the company’s world-class liquefaction plant is located. This fund comprises three focus areas: Human Resource, National Projects and Sponsorship and Donations. Initiatives executed under the National Fund are spread across all governorates in the Sultanate of Oman and are intended to have a wide beneficial impact on its people, improving the quality of life across the nation.

Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development is one of the core focus areas of the National Fund geared towards supporting the initiatives of the Government of Oman. They are aimed at improving the national development of a strong, capable and equipped human resource base through imparting specialised skills to young Omanis. The programme, in partnership with the Ministry of Labour (previously the Ministry of Manpower) and the Oman Society for Petroleum Services (OPAL), has led to employment for many promising young Omanis after the successful completion of their training.

National Projects

National Projects funding has initiated many projects that have helped improve the quality of life across the Sultanate of Oman. Through the funding of National Projects, the Foundation has collaborated with stakeholders to promote road safety, encouraged care for people who are physically challenged and improved quality of health through the acquisition of modern equipment for hospitals. The Foundation has also encouraged the preservation of Oman’s traditional irrigation system – the Falaj.

Furthermore, the initiatives have improved many education and training facilities throughout the country. Every governorate in the Sultanate of Oman boasts of some examples of projects where ODF has contributed through its National Projects.

Sponsorship and Donations

Sponsorship and Donations is aimed at supporting smaller scale social investment initiatives. These initiatives are requested by individuals, institutions, associations, government or nongovernmental organisations from any part of the Sultanate of Oman as per their needs and requirements. The requests are reviewed and selected by a panel based on a specific criteria to ensure the value and benefits of these projects are for the betterment of the community and are safeguarded.


Reserve Fund

The Reserve Fund addresses the sustainability of the CSR programmes. The revenues acquired to fund these programmes are resourced through the export of Oman LNG’s cargoes produced from harnessing the country’s natural gas resources. A third of the funds are earmarked annually to invest in the Foundation’s CSR efforts and secure the sustainability of the CSR programmes.

Annually, these funds equate to 1.5% of Oman LNG’s net income after tax (NIAT). The company’s investment in carefully considered initiatives and programmes support the government’s ambition to improve the quality of life for the Omani people. With the future unknown, the Reserve Fund will enable the sustainability of programm​es and initiatives already underway and safeguard the perpetuity of CSR efforts for Oman in the future.​



One of our key mission statements is to be a trusted partner in the development of Oman and its people. We therefore continue to address issues that are vital for the Omani youth looking to secure their future by ensuring access to quality education, engagement in entrepreneurship opportunities and making use of innovative country value mechanisms. We give special importance to inclusion in education. Many of our educational projects facilitate equal access to information for people with disabilities by providing them with assistive devices to aid their learning. We also ensure that rural communities have access to learning and educational opportunities regardless of their location – whether in the outstretched desert, or high atop the Al Hajar mountains. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) is a focus area of many of our educational programmes.

ODF has sought to develop the STEM skills of students by investing in science, biology, chemistry, physics, technical, IT, electronics and chemical engineering labs, as well as equipping schools with smart classrooms and hospitals with cutting-edge technology in medical devices. ODF has also funded a campaign to increase scientific awareness in the Sur community, established a Sustainable Information Centre for the society, in partnership with the Information Technology Authority (ITA), and sponsored scientific innovation and discovery.

The scholarship programme is an investment of US$ 6.5 million (OMR 2.5 million) to sponsor more than 1,350 scholarships for students from social security and low-income families. In cooperation with the Ministry of Higher Education and the Oman Charitable Organisation, the scholarships enabled students, over a period of 5 years, to acquire education and skills to embark the job market.

Another milestone in education is the state-of-art Prototyping Centre which sits at the Innovation Park in Muscat. It comes in partnership with the Research Council and the Public Authority for Privatisation and Partnership. Not only will it benefit the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Sultanate but it will also have a great value on students; as it enhances the concept of educational technology and accelerates transfer of innovations and patents to the prototype demonstration stage. Equally, we are proud of touching people’s lives by ensuring access to not for quality educational experiences. Across the Sultanate, we have financed the provision of IT equipment, sunshades, CCTVs and school playgrounds. It is our utmost delight to ensure that rural communities also have access to learning and educational chances regardless of their location.

Entrepreneurship and In-Country Value

Since our inception, we have been providing training and development opportunities for Omani graduates, job-seekers, volunteers and other talents in partnership with training institutes and other specialists. Such training programmes have led to the employment of many Omanis, either by self-employment or job secured employment. One of the main training for employment programmes is facilitated by the Oman Society for Petroleum Services (OPAL).

The programmes are designed to equip the candidates with the essential skills of specific disciplines and vocations to meet the demands of the job market. In addition, the successful completion of the training programmes are linked to secured employment opportunities in a number of companies in the private sector, thereby boosting the Omanisation rate in this vibrant sector, an essential contributor to Oman’s economy.

Vocational training provides practical knowledge to individuals such as photography, farming, cooking, traditional tailoring, handicrafts and other fields of work to support SME development. Most of the programmes targeting women have been delivered in coordination with the Omani Women Association (OWA).


Social Inclusion

We believe that in order to be responsible corporate citizens, we must extend our outreach to all segments of society, especially the ones most vulnerable. Many of our programmes are designed to serve the needs of people with disabilities, low income i​ndividuals, empowering women, people living in rural communities, orphans, the elderly, and other community groups that would otherwise be marginalised and excluded from other mainstream programmes.

We partner with relevant ministries, schools, colleges and NGOs to enable people with disabilities to reach their full potential. Our programmes target people with disabilities of all ages, starting from toddlers and children in Al Wafa Centres which serve as special day care facilities, to the Association of Early Intervention which provides care and rehabilitation to children and adults with different disabilities and disorders. Our support ranges from providing assistive devices such as electronic Braille laptops, hearing aids and wheelchairs, to funding awareness campaigns and, support groups.

One of our main projects in the recent years is the funding of specialised play grounds designated for disabled children to address the need to ease challenges and difficulties while provides a safe environment for children with disability. Such recreational projects also promote a healthy lifestyle in a safe environment for the community.

Additionally, within our ‘Gifts to The Nation’ projects is the inauguration of the first National Autism Centre.

Health, Sports and Youth

Empowering communities to ensure healthy lifestyles and promote well-being for all is another one of ODF’s objectives. The Foundation’s impact has been significantly evident in the healthcare sector, where over US$ 60 million (OMR 23 million) has been invested in projects to advance healthcare in Oman by sponsoring health campaigns, conferences and events, as well as funding medical equipment for hospitals and health centres throughout Oman.

The establishment of Sur Hospital was the first investment made by the Foundation even before the first volumes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) were shipped from the Oman LNG facility in 2000. Since then, ODF has been regularly supporting the hospital by continuing to fund medical devices and financing the establishment of an intensive care unit as well as the isolation ward, which is the first of its kind in Oman. Where in 2020, the company inaugurated an isolation ward at Sur Hospital during the COVID-19 pandemic which consists of 12 specialised isolation rooms, fully equipped with advanced world-class ventilation systems.

Our support has also extended to the provision of medical equipment and specialised training programmes for various hospitals and healthcare centres across the Sultanate, such as kidney dialysis units in Muscat, as well as medical equipment provision to different health centres and clinics in remote areas. To ensure our support is extended to also benefit the medical staff, the company has financed the provision of equipment to the Medical Speciality Board’s Examination Centre; which will enhance the performance of the health sector in Oman.

Providing good quality and safe homes ensures people are cared for, fit and healthy contributors to society. The Foundation supported the national initiative of building and renovating homes of social security and low-income families in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Development, Ministry of Housing and the Oman Charitable Organisation, benefitting over 600 families. Physical activity has proven to improve one’s health and well-being. Sponsoring sports clubs and teams across Oman, in addition to supporting different sport activities as well as establishing sports fields and outdoor gyms, to make sports and a healthy lifestyle easily accessible for all, are ongoing activities of the Foundation.


Arts and Culture

Engaging local communities in arts and cultural programmes to nurture creativity through a spirit of enquiry and experiential learning, is an important avenue for education, entrepreneurship and employment while simultaneously preserving the country’s history and customs. The Foundation has invested over US$ 4 million (OMR 1.5 million) in supporting heritage related projects, from renovations such as Sunaislah Fort and the Fatah Al Khair Museum (legendary historical ship) to sponsoring many cultural events such as camel and horse races which are a source of income and a way of living for many citizens across the Sultanate.

In addition, the company has invested in public libraries in many cities to preserve knowledge in art and history in the Sultanate.ODF also encourages art and creativity by sponsoring Omani artists and funding art and photography exhibitions and competitions.

Promoting sustainable agriculture by supporting both relatively modern agriculture projects such as greenhouses, as well as traditional ones, such as various projects to maintain the Aflaj, an ancient irrigation system, in Oman. Similarly, ODF has funded projects of treating sewage water for irrigation means in an effort to better utilise scarce water resources and combat desertification.

Environmental Protection

Many efforts are been focused on slowing down and preventing the loss of biodiversity. With Oman’s culture and heritage so closely linked to the sea, the focus has been strongly towards the biodiversity residing in and around water. By building artificial coral reefs, donating beach cleaning devices, establishing the Turtle Reserve in Ras Al Jinz, as well as partnering with the Environment Society of Oman to help preserve Oman’s rich natural environment are some of the key efforts by the Foundation to help mitigate the impacts on the environment.


Environmental Education

‘Teach a man to fish and he will fish for a lifetime’ is our motto, and education is the vehicle for sustainable environmental protection and preservation. Knowledge sharing is critical in advancing individuals understanding of the impact and benefits of their actions on the environment. Education on waste management, beach clean-up workshops with young children and youths, turtle hatchlings catch and release’ efforts are a few examples helping to instil a deeper understanding of Oman’s rich natural environment at a young age.

Gift to the Nation

The ‘Gift to the Nation’ is an honourable endowment given by large companies toward improving the standard of living in Oman. This unique opportunity to donate to the society is based on a strict selection criterion, every five years.

In 2015, during the 45th National Day, Oman LNG announced its sponsorship for two monumental projects. The first project is the construction of the National Autism Centre in Muscat, a collaboration with the Ministry of Social Development, dedicated to serve the entire Sultanate. The second project is a futuristic Road Safety Institute in Sur, South Sharqiyah Governorate, a partnership with the Royal Oman Police, to streamline the efforts retained for traffic safety to curtail the number of traffic accidents.

Both projects were endorsed by Oman LNG’s Board of Directors for an approximate sum of US$ 15 million (OMR 4.5 million). The initiatives reflect the Company’s ambitious drive to realise His Majesty’s directives on improving social welfare and traffic safety across the Sultanate. Through strategic partnerships, these essential needs are ​made accessible for the benefit of the entire society.
