Part of our mission is to produce, market and deliver LNG safely, reliably and profitably. Sustained profitability is the key objective of our business goals and provides the resource which allows Oman LNG to meet its responsibilities to all its stakeholders. We seek long-term profitability through continuing investment in meeting customer needs based on sound financial foundations.
Oman LNG supports free enterprise and seeks to compete fairly and ethically within the framework of applicable competition laws. We will not prevent others from competing freely with us. In the same way we encourage fair competition between our contractors and suppliers.
Business Integrity
We insist on Honesty, Transparency, Integrity and Fairness, in all aspects of our business and expect the same from those with whom we do business.
We will not, directly or indirectly, offer, solicit, or accept or pay bribes in any shape or form. Such practices are unacceptable in our business. Facilitation payments are also bribes. We will exercise the utmost care to avoid putting ourselves, or the company as a whole, into a position where we may be called on to accept or repay favours that are detrimental to the company’s interests.
Employees must avoid conflicts of interest between their private activities and company business. Employees have a duty to declare annually to the company any outside interests which could, either directly or indirectly, present them with a conflict of interest, or which involve them in a commercial relationship with the company.
All transactions on behalf of the company must be transparent and appropriately described in the accounts of the company, in accordance with established and recognised procedures and standards, and be subject to audit. The strictest principles and best practices will be applied in maintaining the integrity of the accounting records.
We shall foster and maintain an environment that encourages staff to raise their concerns about unlawful conduct, financial malpractices, misuse or abuse of company assets, through various avenues, without the fear of recrimination or persecution.
Political Activities
The company does not have, and therefore does not state views on either national or international political issues and will abstain from participation in politics and interference in political processes. We will not make payments that are, or could be construed to be, of a political nature neither in a national nor an international context. We have, however, a legitimate right and responsibility to make our views known on matters that affect the company’s interests. This is also the case where the company has a contribution to make on matters that affect the general interest and which are based on our particular knowledge.
We are mindful that transparent cooperation with the Government of the Sultanate of Oman enables the company to maximise its ability to contribute to the efficient utilisation of the Sultanate’s hydrocarbon resources and to pursue our company’s objectives.
Health, Safety, Security and Environment
We will conduct our business in a way that does not compromise the health, safety, security or environment of all those involved in or affected by our activities.
Furthermore, we will pursue systematic and continuous improvement in the measures taken to protect the health, safety, security and the environment of those involved in or who may be affected by our activities. To this end we will manage these matters as any other critical business activity, set targets for improvement, and measure, appraise and report performance.
Communication and Engagement
Subject to compliance with applicable laws and business confidentiality, we will:
Communicate and engage with our stakeholders in an open, transparent and timely manner.
Not withhold any information pertinent to effective engagement and communication with our stakeholders.
We shall comply with the laws and regulations of the Sultanate of Oman and all other laws applicable to our agreements and contracts. In cases of non-compliance, we shall engage with the appropriate authorities to achieve compliance as quickly as reasonably practicable.
We will comply with externally accredited standards for the management and control of those business processes critical to our business. In doing so, we will strive to achieve the highest standards of Business Governance, consistent with applicable laws, Oman LNG’s Foundation and Shareholders’ Agreements and to Governance Best Practices.